Welcome to Tom Erb - Playwright

Where storytelling comes to life.

I'm thrilled beyond words! Last night marked a milestone as my play, "A Rainy Night in Hollywood," debuted at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi during their "40 Minute Play Festival." Directed by Isabella Zambrano, the play brought to life the enchanting stories my grandfather "George" used to share about his life during two wars and his unique connection with the legendary Rita Hayworth, who he affectionately referred to as a friend and employer. The roles were portrayed by Havyn Bennett as Rita and Jude Rangel as George, with Nelson Thornton managing the stage alongside his crew, Anisah Ali and Ava Zabel.

This production would not have been possible without Isabella's belief in the script and her vision that beautifully echoed those late-night conversations around the kitchen table. As a playwright, it’s always a surprise which stories will touch the publishers, the theatre, and the audience's hearts. This experience has only fueled my passion to continue reading, writing, and sharing more stories, transforming thoughts, dreams, tragedies, and joys from mere words on a page to living, breathing narratives on stage. This is just the beginning.













As a professional Actor, Director, Producer and Playwright, I offer a wide range of services including Freelance: directing, scriptwriting, play development, and adaptation of existing works.

Explore my extensive catalog of original plays, showcasing a diverse range of genres and themes.

In the "Mauve Decade" of the 1890s, the Remaley sisters—Bella, Sadie, and Nellie—forge new lives amid economic depression and social change in western Pennsylvania. As they navigate challenges across the Allegheny River, a surprise visit from their parents promises a joyous reunion, setting the stage for a poignant family gathering that will mark their last day together. "True Unto Death" is a touching tale of resilience and family bonds in a time of great transition.

Read what others have to say about their experience with my work as a playwright.

Ready to bring your story to life?

Contact me today to discuss your next project!